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PostGraduate School

Welcome to the University of Saint Thomas of Mozambique, where higher education meets innovation. As a postgraduate school, we offer specialized programs and courses to help you advance your career and achieve your goals. Our faculty is dedicated to providing you with an exceptional learning experience that will prepare you for success in your field.

Courses and Research

Master's and PhD programmes

1. Masters Programme in Human Resources Management

1.1. The Master's programme in Human Resources Management lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 14 modules. Objectives - To provide professionals in Human Resources and related areas with the necessary competences necessary to meet the new demands and practices of administration and people management. - To train staff in administration and strategic human resources management who understand the complexity and dynamics of this area; - Train professionals with the skills to intervene strategically in the socio-economic context, using social and economic context, using human resources tools and techniques to application of good practices in this area, in order to improve the performance of workers and increase productivity; - To develop competences in students that enable them to think systematically and strategically about strategically in the management of an organisation's human capital; - To orientate future Human Resources professionals and/or managers towards the area of teaching, research and investigation; - To develop students' critical thinking in the face of new approaches and reality of human resources management in organisations.

1.2. Graduate Profile - Understand the scope and reach of Human Resources Management and in particular labour force management in the world and particularly in Mozambique; - Identify the environmental factors and their impact on the management of organisations and especially on Human Resources management; - Integrated management of the main human resources management subsystems. - Identify and apply labour policies and laws in force in Mozambique; - Auditing and consultancy in Human Resources and Organisational Development; - Develop skills to define and implement Human Resources Policies and Strategies. - Assume advisory and management positions in Human Resources Management; - Know how to structure, organise and plan an organisation's human resources from a strategic perspective of an organisation from a strategic and management perspective. - Course Plan File (Annex)


2.1. The Master's programme in Business Management lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 12 modules. objectives - To enable students to understand the company's internal strengths, weaknesses and distinctive capabilities; - Encourage mastery of tools, methods and techniques to optimise business efficiency and effectiveness; - To develop skills, attitudes and values that are consistent with the exercise of functions and positions of high responsibility in companies; - Develop decision-making and communication skills for diagnosing, understanding and evaluating complex commercial and marketing situations; - Contribute to the development in students of behaviour that is upright, responsible and committed to the company and society in which they work;

2.2. Graduate Profile - Know how to interpret the evolution of the business environment and assess its impact on the company company; - Master the process of identifying and developing business strategies; - Develop a correct understanding in terms of obtaining and preparing information for effective decision-making in the fields of marketing, investment, divestments and financing; - Carry out operations on the national and international financial markets; - View the company's position in the complex web of operations and economic and commercial activity, involving suppliers, competitors and commercial activity, involving suppliers, competitors and direct and indirect customers, right up to the end customer. - Promote the forecasting, monitoring and systematic management of business risk; - Design and develop their own successful ventures; -Formulate marketing strategies and develop marketing programmes; - Know how to interpret and analyse the organisation's financial documents and use them to make sustainable financial decisions; - Course Plan File (Annex)


3.1. The Master's programme in Corporate Finance lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 13 modules. Objectives - To provide students with an integrated set of dynamic competences for solve management problems, especially integrating the financial aspect; - To provide students with advanced level knowledge and comprehension skills in the scientific area of Finance; - To apply, delimit, communicate, select, collect and produce financial information in a professional manner.

3.2. Graduate Profile Know how to interpret the evolution of corporate finance and assess its impact on the company. - Have a global, cross-functional and integrated vision of the company, enabling them to identify and maximise the distinctive capabilities on which the company's competitive strategies in the market should be based strategies should be based on; - Master the company's financial needs and propose business strategies; - Develop a correct understanding in terms of obtaining and preparing information for effective decision-making in the financial field of marketing, investment and financing; - Carry out operations on national and international financial markets; - View the company's position in the complex web of operations and economic and commercial activity, involving suppliers, competitors and commercial activity, involving suppliers, competitors and direct and indirect customers, right up to the end customer. - mKnow how to interpret and analyse the organisation's financial documents and use them to make sustainable financial decisions. - Course Plan File (Annex)


4.2. The Master's programme in Educational Sciences lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 12 modules. Objectives - To train education professionals working at different levels of education; - To develop research and produce knowledge on teachers' pedagogical practices; - To promote reflection on conceptions of teaching, teaching practices and teaching management practices arising from these conceptions; - Contribute to the construction of educational policies and pedagogical principles that serve as a basis for effective university teaching practices based on discussions on different related themes.

4.3. Graduate Profile - Acting as manager and assistant manager in the different higher education units; - Guide the educational process in all institutions, stages and modalities of higher education; - Coordinating the different levels, stages and modalities of education; - Running, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating educational institutions; - Research in the area of specific education, with particular emphasis on the field of work and teaching practice, policies and management of Higher Education. Lines of Research - Teaching in Higher Education - Higher Education Policies and Management - Education Management and Evaluation; - Course Plan File (Annex)


5.1. The Master's programme in Accounting and Auditing lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 12 modules. Objectives - To provide students with adequate and solid scientific training in the field of Accounting and Auditing; - To enhance the ability to solve problems and create solutions in non-routine and unpredictable situations; - To develop the ability to argue and make value judgements in a context of limited information; - To train masters who guarantee better levels of performance and a greater capacity for flexibility and mobility; - Encourage the creation of self-employment, particularly by developing entrepreneurial skills. - To develop methodological skills for scientific research in Accounting and Auditing.

5.2. Graduate Profile - Know accounting standardisation and the evolution of national and international standards; Recognise the aspects related to the evolution of Accounting and Auditing over time and how it has responded to the dynamics of organisations; Know the audit process and sequence; - Know how to evaluate the best investment alternatives, taking into account the profitability and risk of these financial products; - Know the main aspects related to the profession of internal auditor, namely, scope of action, conditions for exercising the profession and points of contact and distance with external auditing; - Course Plan File (Annex)


6.1. The Master's programme in Tax Law lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 12 modules. Objectives - To provide fundamental knowledge of tax law and an active and critical attitude to the exercise of any of the legal professions related to the Master's programme; - To guarantee comprehensive and integrated training in technical, legal, ethical and cultural terms; - To provide tools in the area of law that a jurist and others need to know.

6.2. Graduate Profile - In-depth knowledge of the scope and limits of tax and customs law; - To provide legal advice in the area of law, in general, standing out and convincing, above all, in the area of taxation; - Know the genesis of tax law, its evolution and the challenges facing this branch of public law; - Identify the other legal institutes of law for the solution of a case-by-case question, in general, and in particular tax and customs litigation; - Master legal rhetoric, articulating legal language with the different players in the judicial system, as well as lay people in matters of law; - Course Plan File (Annex)



1.1`. The PhD course in Ethics lasts 48 months, divided into 8 semesters, and consists of 8 modules. Objectives - To respond to demands in the field of ethics and in different sectors of life; - To develop doctoral students' habits and attitudes to research in the field of applied ethics, according to rigorous scientific methodologies, with particular attention to the development of critical and argumentative skills, attention to documentation, historical and philological sources of ethical knowledge, and bibliographical updating; - To create in doctoral students, also in an interdisciplinary sense, the extension of their cultural heritage, fostering their vocation to be servants and defenders of the dignity of the human person, their integrity and transcendentality in an ever more multicultural and globalised society; - To give doctoral students a solid grounding in ethical leadership, so that they become easily recognisable in society, at all levels, as referents of dialogue, collaboration; leading appeals and attention when the case requires it. - To foster critical awareness in doctoral students, both in the academic sphere and in the socio-political-cultural-educational sphere, so that they become active promoters of humanistic paths with a high ethical profile.

1.2. Graduate Profile - Master the methodological and scientific tools that enable research in Philosophy, in particular, and in the social and human sciences, in general; - To develop a critical capacity on contemporary culture and society, in accordance with philosophical knowledge; - Articulate the knowledge acquired with the innovation and construction typical of scientific knowledge. - To develop teaching autonomously and creatively, promoting quality teaching; - Build innovative research programmes, ensuring meaningful learning; Critically analyse and interpret texts as well as socio-political, economic, cultural and academic realities.

1.3. Lines of Research There are four (04) Lines of Research in the Doctorate in Ethics, namely: - Social and Political Ethics - Ethics in Education; - Ethics in Organisations; - Bioethics.


2.1. The PhD course in Management lasts 24 months, divided into 4 semesters, and consists of 7 modules. Objectives - To train, for the production of scientific knowledge, higher education teachers, researchers, senior managers and managers of public or private organisations. organisations; - To encourage mastery of the tools, methods and techniques that enable autonomy in fundamental or applied scientific research; - To develop problem-solving skills in highly complex organisational of highly complex organisational management situations; - To provide the acquisition of specific competences capable of guaranteeing a to ensure the correct epistemological and ontological definition of a research question; - Contribute to the development of an upright, responsible and committed behaviour towards committed to the organisations and society in which students find themselves. are part of; - Equip students with the skills to identify the data and methodologies appropriate to the empirical validation of scientific knowledge, both qualitative and quantitative, and to use the techniques and tools necessary to test research hypotheses

2.2. Graduate Profile - Planning, organising and controlling scientific research projects; - Designing and defining teaching activities in higher education; - Lead teams of highly qualified and scientifically orientated human resources. for scientific work; - Negotiating knowledge production processes with all the stakeholders of the institution where they work; - Drawing up a medium and long-term scientific research programme taking into account the country's current situation and needs; - Manage public policies in the field of science, technology and higher education. higher education; Prepare scientific, pedagogical and didactic work. - Course Plan File (Annex)


3.1. General Objective - To qualify researchers in the field of Educational Sciences and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), attentive to social transformations and their repercussions in the field of education, with competences for teaching, research and extension. Specific Objectives - To train Doctors in Education and ICT who are sensitive to ethical issues, fostering their vocation to be servants and defenders of the dignity of the human person; - To train professionals with solid knowledge of innovation processes and their conditioning factors in the educational context; - To train specialists and technicians capable of identifying digital educational resources (DER) for training activities (especially in e/b/m-Learning schemes); - To develop doctoral students' skills in analysing, planning, managing and evaluating educational and school inclusion policies, processes and practices; - To provide doctoral students with subsidies or theoretical contributions for understanding contemporary culture and its repercussions on the reconfiguration of learning and the constitution of social identities; - To provide doctoral students with in-depth and reflective knowledge on the use of technology in education; - To enable doctoral students to use methodologies to collect, analyse and systematise data, while observing research ethics.

3.3. Graduate Profile - Planning, organising and controlling scientific research projects; - Designing and defining teaching activities in higher education; - Lead teams of highly qualified and scientifically orientated human resources. for scientific work; - Negotiating knowledge production processes with all the stakeholders of the institution where they work; - Drawing up a medium and long-term scientific research programme taking into account the country's current situation and needs; - Manage public policies in the field of science, technology and higher education. higher education; Prepare scientific, pedagogical and didactic work. - Course Plan File (Annex)

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